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Mobiles x Mobilisation

29 October 2015
Berlin, Germany
Mobilisation Lab

This week we attended the first annual Mobiles x Mobilisation conference, hosted by the Greenpeace Mobilisation Lab and facilitatied by Aspiration. We met with over 50 other mobile campaigners, activists and changemakers from 20 countries to discuss the state of the art of mobile technology and design new engagement strategies for our campaigns across the world.

#MobXBerlin next steps

The camp’s social media was well-covered on Storify, and we had particular fun discussing design patterns for social change with Drew Wilson, learning how to do mobile threat assesments from TacticalTech, and discussing the ethics of mobile campaigning with EngineRoom.

I proposed a session on using low-tech mobile technologies, and had a good response from the crowd. Here are some of the tools and techniques we discussed:

Low-Tech Mobile Roundup

Mobile doesn’t just mean smartphone apps and responsive website, it can also mean older technologies like text message, radio and print. These distribution methods have lower barriers to entry, and can engage readers in deeper ways than apps.



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